Mitzvah Checklist

A lot goes into planning your child’s Mitzvah and you don’t want to miss any details. Here is a checklist to ensure that you have everything you need for their special day!

For the service you will want to bring a small duffel bag. This is where you will hold many items including a Tallit/Tallit bag, Dvar Torah, Binder, Torah pointer/Yad, Kippot (including clips and a basket), and Candy for throwing (with a basket). In addition, you will need an invitation for the photographer, sibling gifts, programs, and a tutor gift.  If it is a Havdalah service, you will need a Havdalah set, glow sticks with basket, and spice bags with basket.

For the party you should bring a rolling suitcase. This is where you will keep checks for all contractors (pre-written in envelopes), cash for tips for any vendors you wish to tip, and a complete file of vendor contracts for the evening. You should also bring an extra pair of comfortable shoes, as well as clothes. Bring an emergency kit for your family that includes: breath mints, hair spray, make-up, deodorant, socks, extra shirt for men or boys, contact solution, extra pair of contacts, sewing kit, medications, and toys for young siblings.                                                                                                                                                                                              

Some more helpful items would be a mobile phone with a charger, a camera with batteries or charger, and candle lighting speech. Each candle should be on a separate card, in large font, with a ring through the hole punch in the corner. Bring one set for your child and give a second set (with the songs clearly listed) to the DJ. Copies of parents and sibling speeches should be brought as well.

A CD should be made with any special music for the candle lighting. Bring a video montage/entrance video — plus an extra copy. Also bring a cooler for leftover ice cream — plus plastic Ziploc bags, place cards, Challah, Kippot for the Hamotzi, favors and prizes, candy for the tables, beverage napkins, towels for the bathroom, bathroom baskets, seating chart/room diagram, duffel bag for gifts, change of clothes — if you are doing a wardrobe change.

 Here at The Venue Fort Lauderdale, you are allowed to bring many items ahead of time! Contact us today to schedule your tour for your Mitzah celebration (954)765-6968.


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